What are the shipping fees ?
Delivery costs vary depending on the weight and destination of your order. You can view the exact fees during the checkout process in the cart page.
Depending on the weight and volume of the products, we reserve the right to invoice an additional amount post-order if the amount initially invoiced was not high enough.
What are the delivery hours?
Delivery time depend on your location and the delivery method chosen.
In general, deliveries take between 2 and 4 working days in the USA  (after shipping)
How can I track my order?

Once your order has been shipped, you will receive a confirmation email containing a tracking link from the chosen post or carrier, to follow the delivery of your package.

What are the different delivery methods offered?
Aquatic Motors offers different delivery options depending on your needs:

Standard home delivery:

Average delivery time of 2 to 4 working days
Remember to indicate your telephone number when ordering to receive a secure code which will allow you to collect your package from the delivery person
Delivery to standard relay point:
Average delivery time of 2 to 4 working days
You have approximately 7 days to collect your package from the relay point
Express home delivery:
Delivery time of 1 to 2 days
Express delivery to relay point:
Delivery time of 1 to 2 days
Does Aquatic Motors deliver abroad?

Yes, we deliver in the USA, Canada, Europe and the world wide. Consult the shipping rates when confirming the order, just after indicating your delivery address.

What is Aquatic Motors return and withdrawal policy?

We offer a 14 day return policy from receipt of your order. Return costs are your responsibility. Please consult our page dedicated to returns and the General Terms and Conditions for more information on the conditions of return and withdrawal. (certain products are neither returned nor exchanged)

What to do if my package is damaged ?
If your package is damaged during delivery, please follow these steps:
Refuse the package and contact us immediately.
If you have already accepted the package, please take photos of the damage before opening it and contact our customer service within 48 hours after delivery.
What should I do if my package is lost?

If your package is lost, please contact our customer service within 14 days of the expected delivery date. We will open a ticket with the carrier and keep you informed of the progress of the investigation.

How can I benefit from the tax refund?
If you are a professional buyer or a soldier needing to be delivered to the area (Army Hub) you can benefit from tax-free purchases on Aquatic Motors, to do this you just need to follow the procedure mentioned in this “tax free” guide
Are you a foreigner passing through USA and Canada or the EU and you wish to transport your equipment in your luggage to your country of residence outside the USA? Consult the instructions to benefit from the “PABLO” tax refund
What are my rights regarding my personal information?
You have the right to:
Access your personal information.
Correct your personal information.
Delete your personal information.
Restrict the processing of your personal information.
Object to the processing of your personal information.